Solar power production facilities have no business in residential areas.
They lower the value of surrounding residential property. Advertised as recyclable, when recycling is currently not available.Advertised as non toxic, nontoxic panels are currently not available.Solar panels leave irreparable environmental damage to the area.They are an aesthetic eye sore.They are economically unsustainable in the long run.They are not agricultural nor residential. They are power plants.They can be used by utility companies to seize land. They are still 300 times more polluting than nuclear power plants.
An important distinction to make is that we do not oppose solar energy. That would be absurd. What we do oppose is the locating and construction of a solar power production facility in a residential area where it stands the chance of doing damages to residents and prevents them from enjoying the peaceful and safe enjoyment of their homes, and prevents them from protecting their homes from the hazards posed by power production facilities.

We are now located @ SolarDump.Org

For providing much information and several photos a special thanks goes to: Stop Solar in Residential

Drop in home evaluations

Often information on property values with solar installations is easy misconstrued.

Both personal property and commercial can benefit from the installation of a small array of solar panels. The benefit comes from investing in a hedging effort to offset future utility costs. This is distinctly different from a business model that depends on the solar power plant for acquiring capital.

Historically speaking, the construction of any type of power producing facility in any residential area results in a cataclysmic devaluation of the real estate surrounding the facility. The fact that the power production facility is solar deters nothing from changing this. The dangers are the same, and public opinion agrees.

A very quick web search will return a volume of information on solar plant complaints and protests. Several states are proposing laws to regulate the location of solar plants. Evidently, no one wants to live beside them.

Solar power plants produce three hundred times more waste than nuclear power plants. Wouldn't it be better to live beside a nuclear plant than a solar one?


Environmental Hazards

It is easy to make the mistake and believe that solar energy is a green form of energy. The technology is, but there is a problem with application. There is a difference between creating less damage and being least damaging. Solar power is less damaging than many alternatives, but it is not the least damaging.

Solar panels rust over time. Solar panels also consist of various plastics, which deteriorate when exposed to UV radiation. Requiring panel replacement every few years to avoid chemical seepage. All panels contain photovoltaics (PV), which are chemicals that convert light to electricity. Photovoltaics are harmful to all carbon based lifeforms. They also take a very long time to biodegrade down into simpler less harmful chemicals.

A means to recycle this hazardous waste exists, but it is a long way from main stream availability. Non-toxic panels also exist, but are also a long way from main stream availability. Both of these advancements occurred within the past two years and still developmental. Solar Power companies can simply choose not to use these new innovations, which will be more expensive than the standard.

Currently the only means to dispose of solar panels is at your local dump. Where those harmful chemical can seep out into the local water supply.


Solar Farms set birds aflame...

No body wants to acknowledge this, not even us. But it has occurred several times. Which justifies the belief in some form of correlation between the two. Seriously, who wants deep fried birds falling out of the sky onto their house?


Health Concerns

Solar power plants are dangerous like all power plants are dangerous. There is little to doubt to the many hazards surrounding such an area. But not all power plants share the same types of dangers. There are some dangers that are specific to solar power plants.

Solar panels contain toxins that are toxic to all carbon based life forms.Photovoltaic materials release toxic gases that can cause permanent lung damage. Solar panels are flamable and have caught fire during lightening storms.Hazards of electrical shock from unmaintained solar equipment. Voles love chewing on wires.All power production facilities produce high amounts of EMF radiation, which is correlated with childhood leukemia and cancer.Toxic sulfuric acid from power house battery backups will melt flesh and damage lungs.Dangers of flying debris during wind storms. Currently, insurance will not cover this type of loss.


Economical Failures

The invention of the current solar market is the result of new technology. This technology allows solar plants to turn a profit over time compared to the cost. Which is a luxury solar panels only recently can afford to buy.

But as this new technology allows the existence of private solar contracting, it also will be it's end. As technology improves, the profitability will also improve. Meaning, larger companies will face no other option but to into the market themselves. Once these larger entities join the market, competition will prove impossible. Because there is no means to differentiate the product of one solar plant from another. Both, provide the exact same product, without distinction, electrical power.

The largest provider of electrical power in the state is Georgia Power. Georgia Power contracts with solar plants to buy electricity. In 2016, Georgia Power only purchased solar energy for the tax benefits that it provided. They were not using it as a primary means to generate power. They also, did not buy much of it. So small was the amount bought in 2016, that it would only take a few handful of solar plants to generate.

As more and more companies enter the solar market the quicker inflation will begin to rise. Meaning, the commodity made (power), will begin to drop in value in comparison to other goods. A point of diminishing returns will arrive, and there will be a market surplus. When this occurs, the big utility companies will no longer be able to continue like they do. They will have to enter the market themselves. Or, there will be a recession, where it will cost more to produce the electricity than to buy it. When this happens, there will be people losing their shirts.


Financial Figures

It was reported that the two solar installations in Lamar county would bring the county more than $425,000 in property tax revenue over the course of 25 years. But, where is the figures to back up such over inflated figures?

The university of North Carolina Extension service reports solar facilities only earn between $600 and $800 an acre per year. Which means property tax would be more than 42.5% of the gross revenue received from operation, which is nonsensical. This does not include maintenance of the facility and income tax.

County commissioners were not privy to the terms and conditions under which the contract was signed. Commissioners also performed only a minimal amount of research, which did not cover the issues facing these installations. So, there is no way for the commissioner's to verify the factuality of this claim.

Since, every other claim made by Beltline Energy has proved to be baseless. Why is this outrageous claim treated any differently when simple arithmetic states otherwise?

Income/AcreAcreRevenueTax/TermTax/YearRevenue Percentage

Land Siezure

Yes, it has about as much chance as a secondary massive economical rescession, but make no mistake it can happen. There are laws in the state of georgia penal code that grant utility companies the right to eminent domain. With this granted authority, utility companies with county commissioner approval can sieze lands.


Solar Easements

The state of Georgia grants solar production facilities a special easement which will allow solar plants to remove any obstruction that prevents the solar panel from receiving a full view of the sky. This means they can clear trees from adjacent properties.


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